Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas! and here are some festive seasonal views in Moscow.

Early morning.

Store windows in the evening.

In the light of day.

Animal life goes on even in winter, some put on winter camouflage like this red squirrel.

For winter, red squirrels here adopt grey camo.

Some others go for woodland and drab olive though.

With my 109 bead Krishnaite rosary... which doubles up as a garrote....  haha just kidding.

Jay in Winter

 Here is a bird, a Eurasian Jay, in winter conditions.

HoroLex: Сойка зимой:  Сойка зимой

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Steve Job's Outfit

 I know it's a bit late in the day (or in the decade even) but here is the late, great Steve Job's outfit - a classic.

Biden's Quartz Watch

 Biden's quartz watch...

It's a chronograph and it's a Seiko but... it's a quartz watch and quartz watches are dumb and unteresting watches for un-discerning people compared to pure mechanicals and in this case there is its owner who most likely can be trusted with remembering how hand-winding a watch works so gets a quartz watch hung on him by whoever dresses him.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Make Your Gift Extra Space-ial with NASA Logo Wrapping Paper - weee!

 Get your fill of NASA Logo Wrapping paper!


Make Your Gift Extra Space-ial with NASA Logo Wrapping Paper: Want to send someone over the Moon with the next gift you give? Got presents to wrap? Our new NASA logo wrapping paper has you covered!


Sample 25% crop

 And on red, small logo

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Fly Tie

 Here me is sporting my fly tie that I bought as a joke but think now it can get some wear, especially with brown, grey and cream.

A cheap polyester tie by Marks & Spencer.

Also a 110s wool jacket of local provenance, semi-canvas, and a cotton cream shirt.

Plus a pair of stretch wool pants in a subtle brown hue.

All the colors are pretty well matched and coordinated, wouldn't you say so?


Saturday, December 19, 2020

News from the scent library: Davidoff Cool Water 40 ml

 News from the scent library: Davidoff Cool Water 40 ml


A new arrival and addition to my earthen (whatever the fk it means) scent library: a 40 ml bottle of Davidoff Cool Water which I remember from earlier times like decades ago.

Not tried it on yet though but will soon of course.

Over on fragrantica people have been complaining that this frag has had so many reformulations since the 1989 original and all of them for the worse.

Last time I wore it was in the early 2000s.

You could say that I am almost looking forward to wearing it again.


Santa has had enough...

 Santa has had enough... 

... me too actually, a bottle of red

Pirovano Collezione Beatrice Primitivo, cheap but actually highly rated on Vivino.

It actually drank well with a rich flavor however did produce some headache as reds sometimes do.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Van Gogh' Paints a Portrait to Pay for Ear Treatment

I think I've seen this method of buttoning a jacket somewhere else too. 

I also wonder if the good doctor is wearing a French chore jacket as well.

Just random thoughts...

Bar25 Showcase: Dirty Doering @ RTS.FM - 21.10.2010

Morning with Doering!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Who might that be?

I guess another sartorial genius )

Ethandesu Gravitas

Gravitas... by Ethan Newton

I guess it's his thoughts on fits for heavier guys.

Wow, an amazing fountain of sartorial wisdom! 

Something to read closely and analyze with a pen and paper!

Monday, December 14, 2020

A Simpler Scent for Everyday Use

 Have developed a liking for this simpler and more vulgar scent, also much cheaper too.

Denim Original eau de toilette but also Denim Black which I mentioned earlier on the blog.

Actually, this scent is nothing new as it previously existed as an after-shave, starting from the late 1980s, and I myself frequently used it in the 1990s - early 2000s but then it seemed to have disappeared for a while.

It is notable that at that time it was manufactured by Elida Faberge (an Averell Harriman company, the very same one) and Unilever.

But this version appears to be a re-launch and is now made by some Italian company, unrelated to the above, however as far as I can tell, it smells authentic.

I guess Original is a variety of Fougère and Chypre type of scents.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Gentleman's Accessories: Silk Tie Wipes

 Here is something from my hoard of gentleman's accessories...


It's... silk stain remover tissues, mainly for emergency use on silk ties... as in when you stain them with food and drink or something else altogether, some bodily secretions maybe - eww.

And it's from Harrods, London, too!

Funny how I seem to have no recollection of shopping for them there ) but I must have!

Lots of photos, as per usual.

And now with some of the silk ties they are supposed to be used on.

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