Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Nightingale singing in early summer mating season

More of my personal nightingale singing though probably not for me.

O Nightingale! thou surely art

A creature of a fiery heart --

Thou sing'st as if the god of wine

Had help'd thee to a Valentine

My personal friendly nightingale, lives at my summer villa

Monday, June 20, 2022

Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill - Official Music Video

Summer Bookcore

DWW's bookcore concept seems to have had its heyday 15 minutes of (relative) fame, but I am here to revive it in summer 2022 and in Moscow... yes, f8ck you too, anlgo-saxon inbreds & West preservation society degenerates, freedumb and democrazy edition ))

Anyways, enough friendly banter for now, so here goes.

Me version of the Cali tux, bookcore adjusted

Bookcore views

Very bookcore

From photography books I was viewing

Some notable photographer in my copies of his work.

Story of my life


Sunday, June 19, 2022

Beer Lunch: Fish and Chips and Two Beers

To continue with My Restaurants theme, here is beer lunch I personally had a couple of weeks ago: a local Moscow rendition of the staple of Ingurlish cuisine aka fish and chips, and two tap craft beers at Krafteiner bar, somewhere in northern Moscow.


Krafteiner bar at a famous place here in Moscow that used to be a bread making factory with constructionist architecture.

Fish and chips

Not too bad, except it's some industrial fish and not cod or something decent.

However, it is important to eat more fish both for me and you.

And two beers.

The first one is a local craft beer called Kraken something or other HeFe.

Felt a bit too liquid but it was okay, I guess.

The second beer of the lunch

Bakunin Salty Dog Gose that I have already had once but this was the tap version.

Also, not too intense but good on balance.


Общепит: Фиш-н-чипс, т.е. рыба с картошкой, два пива, Крафт...:  Фиш-энд-чипс, т.е. рыба с картошкой, два пива, Крафтейнер, Хлебозавод    Место встречи было в пивбаре Крайтейнер, на Хлебозаводе, позабыл, ... HoroLex: Общепит: Фиш-н-чипс, т.е. рыба с картошкой, два пи...:  Фиш-энд-чипс, т.е. рыба с картошкой, два пива, Крафтейнер, Хлебозавод, север Москвы   Место встречи было в прошлом месяце мае в пивбаре Кра...

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Tequila Sunrise, New Body Conditioning Regimen and Edward Hopper Lookalike

Here is some randomness in photos

Edward Hopper lookalike... painting... one facing you

Cheap shoes

A tequila sunrise at near sunset, coffee and thinking about starting a new body conditioning regimen/t in keeping with the times, you know...

A writer's (?) portrait

Frogs making mating calls

And now here are my frogs calling though not for me probably.

Summer: Urbanism and Beer in Moscow

 More Moscow Urban views at one particular location in early summer 2022.

And an urban beer lunch at same place

Beer menu, all local craft beers

Soapbox photos: Urbanism and Beer:  More Moscow Urban views at one particular location. And an urban beer lunch at same place