Monday, November 29, 2021

Beijing Opera and Peking Duck

 In my restaurants today: a Beijing Opera cocktail and Peking Duck.

Beijing Opera cocktail, it's rum based, tasty but one isn't enough for much effect, just a hint of something pleasant.

And half a Peking Duck with garnishes and pancakes.

My Chinese restaurant going disguise.

Not much info online about a cocktail called Beijing Opera, could be some new creation by the restaurant so here is composition.

And like I said it's rum based but better drunk in multiples for it to really work, at least three to five per Hemingway.


Hello! Which'd you get ... the palm or the fist.

 Choose wisely.

Here at Moscow's Kitaiskie Novosti (aka Chinese News) restaurant.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Wilhelm Scream Compilation

Lol - Wilhelm Scream

A Coffee and a Little Cake

Nothing beats a large (400 ml) cup of Americano (Espresso + hot water) coffee and a little cake.

The cake is known as a "potato". It is sweet with a nice texture. 

It's a sponge cake basically augmented with some Cognac or Rum used in its preparation and cocoa powder.

And the coffee is very good for you and your health, apparently.

Even better than the much overrated green tea which is bad for the liver in large doses.

The coffee shop was in a historic structure which I already mentioned once on the blog, but here goes again anyway.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Duke of Windsor - King of Classic Menswear

Focus on Duke of Windsor

As is widely known in narrow circles, Prince Edward, the Duke of Windsor and one-time King Edward VIII, is the progenitor, and was the foremost practitioner, of the apparel art of classic menswear and his influence still persists unabated in some traditionalist circles and even much wider.

He also introduced many innovations in this area that are now the accepted norm and canon.

Here are some photos that I like (with one or two exceptions)

This is of course very unfortunate.

Duke of Windsor never used a dimple in his tie knot!

Friday, November 19, 2021

Orient Place - The Place for Orient Watch Collectors and Fans: Orient Announces New Multi-Year Calendar Model

Orient Place - The Place for Orient Watch Collectors and Fans: Orient Announces New Multi-Year Calendar Model: The multi-year calendar watch has been one of Orient's most popular, and recognizable, models since its first introduction in 1965. Als...



This is going to be an entry in my Watch Wish List as I have always wanted me one of those multi-year aka perennial calendar Orient watches, and with a green dial too.

Focus on: Glenn O'Brien

Focus on Glenn O'Brien - Glenn O'Brien's place

Wrote this book

Also, ran this column, of course. Style Guy GQ

Style Guy's greatest hits


 Glennobrien website


There's a thought from the maestro:

Supposedly pirates wore gold earrings so if their body washed up somewhere it would cover burial expenses.


Supposedly I wear my gold signet ring for the same purpose.


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Fish enjoy kissing!

Travelog: Moscow's Oldest Tram Stop

Here is Moscow's oldest tram (or street car) stop pavilion somewhere in the north of Moscow.

It is now famous for being the oldest tram stop structure in Moscow - installed in its present cast-iron from in 1936 - although this tram stop has existed since 1890, that is, long before the reign of the current idiot mayor of Moscow mr. Sobianin.

The pavilion has a central section for waiting passengers and houses a coffee shop and a fruit and vegetable store.

More info on the history of the pavilion and its renovation (in Russian) is accessible via the links supplied.

Fruit and vegetable store in one wing.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Saturday Night

 Saturday night beckons.. and is all right...

This is actually my tie of the day post, and the tie is no (recognizable) brand name but supposed to be silk.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Urban Cookie Collective - Tales from the Magic Fountain (1995) - Full album


This just randomly played on Dutch TV


Serge Gainsbourg

+ Charlotte



Eating Out in Moscow: Cafe Misada Israeli Street Food

Yesterday we happened to eat out for the reason of being too lazy to cook dinner at home, so I felt compelled to make some quick smartphone pictures for My Restaurants series since it was a new place and the kind of food that I don't eat often.


The place is Cafe Misada somewhere in North Moscow that purports to serve "Israeli street food" with both Israeli and Arabic dishes, no idea how authentic they might be.

Cooking takes some time and we can look around.

One can also take some surreptitious pictures on the smartphone while pretending to browse it.

This is more like a fast-food place.

Finally, the order is served... or actually you take it yourself after being beeped by a beeper like device.

We ordered a dish called Shawarma Arabic with Angus beef and Falafel Israeli with hummus, all with pickles but I got a bite of both. 

Also, we had some natural lemonade and a cup of coffee.

The lemonade is called Fritz-Limo and seeing as it is supposed to be German I wonder if there is an attempt at a joke here somewhere.

Shawarma Arabic with Angus beef, some nice dip and a side of fries and some pickles.

And Falafel ala Israel with some dip, hummus and likewise pickles.

Pickles is what I liked least of all, and one of the peppers was nearly too strong for my stomach but not to worry.

On the other hand, hummus is what I liked most.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Dr. Feelgood Sneakin' Suspicion - 1977

Oldie but goodie

TOD: Tie of the Day today

Stephen Fry has just written a book about ties on the back of his series of Instagram posts last year, in one of which he professed his undying loyalty to M&S ties, so I am following in his footsteps with this rather awful M&S all polyester "bee" tie but I call it my "fly tie".

Whoever gave it to me must have thought it was funny.

Being a polyester tie it doesn't tie all that well but can still be worn.

Here are more pictures of the tie from some earlier time.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Neckties: Fry's Ties

In today's classic menswear news Stephen Fry writes a book about man's ties... apparently he has loads of them... and no other subject to write up but man's got to eat you know.

Although Fry's Ties is a very new book, for which he is doing publicity now, it seems the book is based on a series of IG posts he made during the first Covid-19 lockdown back in the early 2020.



The book is called Fry's Ties, and some are truly frytening.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Margarita in November

 A Margarita today.


Something to wash down with Margarita.


Kitchen cocktails at a kitchen bar.