Friday, December 9, 2016

Some Thoughts on Mafia III (2016)

Seeing as occasional gaming is also my hobby, here is my short review of Mafia III 2016 -- just some points that are most salient.

I completed the game about a week ago, the proof of which is in this playlist.

There were some good moments.

The city itself looks nice though not in all weather. Sunny days are generally great.

Sometimes the sunlight sort of floods the inside of buildings and saps the color. Sometimes it is nice at night, sometimes it is too dark.

The story is pretty good, however the confusion of many side- or optional missions is sometimes too much. 

If you want non-linear, you go play GTA series.

But sometimes you want a clear-cut linear story without much distraction. Mafia I and II provided such stories. Mafia III deviates here somewhat though not on the scale of a typically messy GTA game.

If I were to rate the game, it would definitely be behind the first 2 installments but overall not as bad as some claim.

It also is very buggy.

Also the controversial topic of racism is covered boldly but very unrealistically and with a lot of injustice to all sides, I think; also the treatment is cheap and over-the-top. For example, I am not buying the idea of there being "Dixie mafias" at the time controlling dr ug and pros tituion rackets.

Story-wise, the most surprising thing is (spoiler)....

That it's all about JFK assassination. 

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