Sunday, June 2, 2019

Photo Travel: Taldom District Historical and Literary Museum

In my travel series, here are some pictures from the Taldom District Historical and Literary Museum which was visited in May 2019.

Taldom is a small provincial town somewhere in the Moscow region to the north of Moscow and the museum is located in this beautiful building with a green facade - the house of the merchants Volkov built in 1905; below is the entrance to the museum on the side of the building.

In a large photo at the end of the flight of stairs you can see pictured the Volkov family, the former owners of the house.

Taldom Sobriety Society - 1907.

Taldom was famous for its shoemakers.

Taldom shoes were highly valued, including in Paris. 
Foreign travelers to Russia were allowed to take with them only two pairs of Russian made shoes when leaving the country, so one Frenchwoman who visited Taldom, threw away her own shoes so she could bring back to France three pairs of Taldom shoes.

A drawing room of the period.

This bear is more than a hundred years old - the carcass was stuffed in 1915.

This exhibit is a reconstructed dwelling of a peasant shoemaker in Taldom, Russia.

And this exhibit of stuffed animals shows the variety of animal life in the region; and it is said that all can still be encountered around Taldom, except perhaps bears who are found a little more to the north and east of Taldom.

Below you can also see some Cladophora balls formed by Cladophora river weed, a surviving prehistoric river weed, found in at least one lake in the Taldom region.

And this is already the Literary Hall - these things belonged to the writer Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Literary Hall.

The Saltykov-Shchedrin estate.

Personal articles that once belonged to one Klychkov, a more contemporary Russian writer and poet (late 19th - early 20th century).

Komsomolets, a 1940s radio set with headphones.

Below are founders of the world-renowned Verbilki Porcelain factory, Gardner on the left and one of his successors on the right.

Famous produce by the factory.

Below is a Brocade of Russia tea set - one such tea set was gifted to Margaret Thatcher by Gorbachev (not that she deserved it).

Genuine surviving stucco decorations.


Фото для форумов.

HoroLex: Талдомский районный историко-литературный музей: Из серии "Путешествия" и " Путешествия в Подмосковье " - Талдомский районный историко-литературный музей. Музей ...

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