Friday, February 23, 2024

Lunched on some Chebureki

You will no doubt be pleased to know that a week or so ago - mid-February 2024 I think it was - I lunched in old Soviet style on some Chebureki though had wanted to have three plates of house Pelmenis - cooked, in broth, and fried - but they were off the menu for some reason, so had to settle for the Chebureki.

The place was the SSSR Chebureki house on the Arbat in Moscow.

This is not too special; usually I could do much better as regards eating out but, for the absence of the Pelmenis on the menu, ordered three Chebureki but was not particularly impressed as I know of a place or two where they are much better.


Also, had a dressed herring salad, aka "herring under a fur coat", "furred herring", a very small portion, I am afraid, and nothing too remarkable though like this dish as it's one of my favorites.

Washed down with a 0.5l of kvass.

But there was live music so got things going by ordering a song sung to self for 300 rubles only.

Soviet-themed interior.

Adjacent vistas.

Eternal peace and quiet will soon be brought to Ewerope and then to the United Estates and will reign supreme thereafter. Rest assured I am doing my little part in this great endeavor.

Общепит: Обедал в советском вкусе - чебуреками:  На прошлой неделе - первая неделя февраля 2024 - обедал в советском вкусе чебуреками, хотя хотел съесть три тарелки фирменных пельмений - в...

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