Tuesday, September 15, 2015

At Mosquarium on Sept 9, 2015

At Moscow's Mosquarium Aquarium on Sept 9, 2015.


Photography is very difficult there because of dim light, ban on firing flashes (not to disturb the fishes), especially if you have the simplest tools as I do, using a cheap point-and-click mainly.

These are just the "best" photos - all other photos are on my other blog Horolex at В Москвариуме на ВДНХ (70+ фото).

Fish overhead.

Open top aquariums.

 This butterfly fish came out the best on my cheap point-and-click camera.

Sand eels.

Something like a crab.

Some horny horned fish.

A shark swimming past.

More shark.

Under the shark.

The same shark in a video.

(видео от тети Веры)

Paluba (Deck) restaurant.

The trite theme of a giant squid vs cachalot (aka sperm whale) played out in sculpture.

Except, in real life, the giant squid is a creature of the deep (that's why it's red), so it is very unlikely to meet a sperm whale in person.

Deep water area.


A couple more videos.

A lobster?

Some delicate shrimp.

Видео от тети Веры

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