Thursday, July 7, 2016

Hornets' Nest

Here is a huge nest made by hornets. Probably one of the largest ever.

Not only did I see and photograph it but I also practically owned it as it was in my garden shower.

Hornets were large and very visible as they flew around however they gave us no problems until that one time when I went up to check on the nest and banged the attic door -- immediately got attacked and bitten by two sentinels -- very painful.

We let them be(e) and in fall of that year they were all gone - either died off or packed up and moved. Used the abandoned nest for starting the stove.

HoroLex: Гнездо шершней: Самое большое гнездо шершней, которое я когда-либо видел... и более того -- даже владел им, ибо оно было у меня на даче пару лет назад в са...

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