Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Coffee and a Little Cake

Nothing beats a large (400 ml) cup of Americano (Espresso + hot water) coffee and a little cake.

The cake is known as a "potato". It is sweet with a nice texture. 

It's a sponge cake basically augmented with some Cognac or Rum used in its preparation and cocoa powder.

And the coffee is very good for you and your health, apparently.

Even better than the much overrated green tea which is bad for the liver in large doses.

The coffee shop was in a historic structure which I already mentioned once on the blog, but here goes again anyway.

Meet Moscow's oldest tram (or street car) stop pavilion somewhere in the north of Moscow.

It is now famous for being the oldest tram stop structure in Moscow - installed in its present cast-iron from in 1936 - although this tram stop has existed since 1890, that is, long before the reign of the current idiot mayor of Moscow mr. Sobianin.

The pavilion has a central section for waiting passengers and houses a coffee shop and a fruit and vegetable store.

More info on the history of the pavilion and its renovation (in Russian) is accessible via the links supplied.

Fruit and vegetable store in one wing.

A coffee shop in the other.

A large (400 ml) Americano coffee and a small cake called "potato".

That's all for now, folks, but the adventures and travel will surely continue.

Additionally, here are some pictures of Moscow trams operating at night, and a general night-time car scene.

 Some trams at night in Moscow.

And for bonus, some night time Moscow pics


HoroLex: Трамвайный павильон: Знаменитый трамвайный павильон на остановке Красностуденческий проезд. Знаменит он тем, что это старейший трамвайный павильон в Москве - уст... HoroLex: Трамвайный павильон: Знаменитый трамвайный павильон на остановке Красностуденческий проезд. Знаменит он тем, что это старейший трамвайный павильон в Москве - уст... Автоблог: Путешествия по Москве: Трамвайный павильон: Знаменитый трамвайный павильон на остановке Красностуденческий проезд. Знаменит он тем, что это старейший трамвайный павильон в Москве - уст... Общепит: Кофейная в историческом павильоне трамвайной остан...: Недавно пили кофе и ели пирожное в кофейне. Большое кофе "Американо" 400 мл без сахара и пирожное "картошка". А кофейная...

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